Saturday, 9 January 2010


It's been snowing and snowing and snowing and snowing and SNOWING since we got back from our holiday. In some places in our garden at our Tupton Country Retreat, the snow is almost as deep as us, especially down in the orchard, and it's much deeper than our friend Frank Lion (who is still with us).

Today we went out to play in it:

A snow slide! (Actually, it's poor Oscar, The Builder's car)

Picnic, anyone?

Not that you could easily light the barbecue :-S

Trying to build a snow hippo. It's hard, building snow hippos

So we settled for a snow hippo's head

Back inside, warming up and waiting for our après-snow-fun hot chocolate


Sullivan McPig said...

I love the snowhippohead! Great job.

Marlowe said...

I think the snow-hippo-head is great! Very creative!

There is a lot of snow around where you live. Our snow has been melting in between snowstorms, so it's not that deep.